The ultimate goal of neighborhood revitalization is improved quality of life in a focused neighborhood. Since the Coalition was started, 8twelve partners have produced extensive insights for how this goal can be achieved. The quality of life framework is a compilation of this understanding and maps how multiple elements work together to achieve improved quality of life. It is being integrated into neighborhood revitalization as a tool to help affiliates and Coalition members better understand how change happens in a neighborhood and where they are in this process.

Reading this Framework
Habitat has learned that the greatest change happens in a neighborhood when people work together—residents, community associations, and partners. It starts first by understanding everyone’s gifts, dreams, and concerns about the neighborhood (see Figure 1, center of map); then building a strong foundation around sense of community and social cohesion (green section), and; finally utilizing this base to collectively act and implement projects that contribute to sector outcomes (movements from green to blue). Arrows at the bottom of the map represent an iterative process, guiding users to continue to build social capital (green) in a neighborhood throughout the revitalization process.